Old Schoold by Harri Kauhanen

Commodore Amiga [RetroPie series]

An image for Commodore Amiga [RetroPie series]

Bill Bertram via Wikipedia

Here are my Commodore Amiga specific notes of my RetroPie system.

  • RetroPie Amiga wiki
  • UAE4ALL2
    • TODO: Experiment with UAE4ARM that should be further optimized, and more active project.
    • Unfortunately, there is no RetroArch based Amiga emulator (except for this dead project)

The performance of Amiga games is pretty good with UAE4ALL2, but sadly it is a half baked product:

  • no auto launch from Emulation Station
  • no customizable controller mappings (some games are unplayable as you cannot hit some Amiga keys)
  • joysticks are hard coded (only one joystick can be used with my set up)
  • some games don’t work
  • some other games work but fail to load sometimes
  • some games work great


ROM / Kickstart

RetroPie should come with AROS rom, but it did not work for me. Instead, I had to download kick13.rom and kick31.rom files and copy them to /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/. It is also possible to buy legit roms from Amiga Forever.


It looks like it’s not possible to launch games directly from Emulation Station. Using UAE4ARM it should be possible.

Notes about games

Loading games:

  • Sometimes nothing seems to happen, but game is loading
    • With UAE2ALL it is also possible the game never gets loaded…
  • Sometimes it’s a bit tricky to exit game intros..
    • Often it’s the mouse button (you may also need to “scroll down” first).
    • It could also be joystick button, ESC, space bar, …

Multi-disk games:

  • Some games may support multiple disks inserted at once, some do not.


Someone made a video.

Configuring UAE2ALL is a bit annoying, as you need to use GUI, and each game needs to be configured separately. To do this, load a game disk, configure, and hit the Save config for current game button.

The default setting for me are:

  • Kickstart 1.3
  • Screen: 320 x 240
  • Memory: 512 MB

Game specific overrides and other notes:

  • Alien Breed
    • Screen: 320 x 262
    • The game will NOT work, if you insert all disks in (only insert the first one, and change it when asked to).
  • Kick Off 2
    • Screen: 320 x 262
  • MicroProse Formula One Grand Prix
    • Memory: 2 GB
    • May be faster under Amiga 1200 mode
  • Sensible world of Soccer
    • Kickstart 3.1
  • Settlers
    • Screen: 384 x 262
    • Support multiple disks inserted at the same time, but still asks to ask a diskette (just press mouse button to carry on)
  • Stardust
    • Screen: 320 x 256
    • The game may not work, if you insert all disks in
    • There will be long delays with black screen, but the game is loading
  • Superfrog
    • Screen: 320 x 262 + Vertical position -5
  • Worms
    • Memory: 2 MB

Some games I could not get working with UAE2ALL:

  • Civilization
    • May crash
  • Pinball Dreams
    • Cannot get past intro screen
  • Pinball Fantasies
    • Works, but cannot press RIGHT SHIFT, so the game is unplayable
  • Spindizzy Worlds
    • Screen and sprites are corrupted
    • Does work on some other emulators


Hard coded, but joystick one should work. Two player games may not be played at all. The configurable custom mappings seem not to help.


Not possible with UAE2ALL.

Emulator commands

  • (Left) Ctrl + Esc → GUI (and Exit) - E.g. disk changes during the game - Floppy DrvDF0Resume (Do not press Reset)